These links will help you to learn more about a whole foods, plant based diet!

Long time advocate of plant based/starch based eating - Dr. John McDougall
Dr. McDougall's Health & Medical Center

Dr. Neal Barnard

The Physicians Committee

Dr. T Colin Campbell

Center for Nutrition Studies

Dr. Michael Greger

Center for Nutrition Studies

This is the plan I follow and have since December 2, 2014. You may join as a free member to check out the site and get 123 free recipes. Please don't hesitate to message me with questions.


Many of these documentaries are free on Netflix, YouTube or Amazon or viewable at a minimal charge on YouTube, Amazon, iTunes, Vimeo, Hulu

Forks Over Knives

Eating You Alive

Forks Over Knives the Extended Interviews

Plant Pure Nation

Eating You Alive

What the Health

The Future of Food

Fed Up

Food, Inc

Food Matters

Food Choices


Food Chains


Hungry for Change

Supersize Me


Earth, Voice, Food, Choice

Earthlings**(Graphic footage from hidden cameras)

Live and Let Live


The Future of Food (2004)

Peaceable Kingdom and Peaceable


Kingdom: The Journey Home

Big Change the Film – by Jason Cohen

In production

Trailer   -

Trailer2 -

Go to the ‘Big Change the Film’ YouTube channel for many amazing and inspirational interviews!!

The Game Changers – by Filmmaker James Cameron

In production     


Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating the Most Common Diseases with Diet

Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating the Most Common Diseases with Diet

How to start a plant based diet – The basics – No Meat Athlete

Excuse Smashers

Excuse Smashers

Changing Our Tastebuds

Changing Our Taste Buds

A Plant Based Diet is for EVERYONE!!

Dr. John McDougall: Pregnancy and Children