About Purely Plants

I am doing this for three reasons 

1) To help people who want to improve their health and reverse disease with weight loss as a side effect

2) To assist with weight loss as primary reason

3) To introduce younger & healthier people to this lifestyle so they will be eating for optimal health, saving the environment and the animals by living a cruelty free lifestyle.

What am I doing?

I am sharing my experience, tools and resources for those interested in learning more about, and those interested in following a Whole Foods Plant Based Diet.

I can answer questions to the best of my ability and point you in the direction of experts, blogs, documentation. I am not a medical professional.

I am sharing my support.

How can I help you?

I can help you change your life as I’ve changed mine.

There are a multitude of doctors, books, scientific studies, videos, You Tube channels, documentaries, testimonials, substantiating the health benefits of eating a plant based diet.

I would simply be THRILLED to have you on this Whole Foods Plant Based journey with me!

Big Change the Film Karla Freeze Interview (223lbs lost)


Karla Freeze - A life of Purely Plants


Vegworld Magazine


How to Health Podcast



Questions and Answers!!

Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating the Most Common Diseases with Diet

Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating the Most Common Diseases with Diet


How to start a plant based diet – The basics – No Meat Athlete



The Pleasure Trap: Dr. Doug Lisle


Excuse Smashers

Excuse Smashers


Changing Our Tastebuds

Changing Our Taste Buds


A Plant Based Diet is for EVERYONE!!

Dr. John McDougall: Pregnancy and Children


Fantastic YouTube video on Calorie Density:

(Full Length) Calorie Density: How To Eat More, Weigh Less and Live Longer